The Great And Terrible Ten

This only makes sense every other time it happens, but whenever I’m feeling extremely stressed and upset, something that often cheers me up is reading a depressing book. I think this has something to do with the fact that what’s happening to me is never as bad as what is happened to the characters in the book. Regardless, my go-to book is The Fault in Our Stars because I can read it in a long night and because it is sufficiently depressing enough to cheer me up.

And if you’re a TFIOS hater, bare with me, because this post isn’t really about TFIOS. However, something that always sticks with me from the book is when Hazel talks about being asked to rate her level of pain every time she goes to the ER.

[The nurse] said, “You know how I know you’re a fighter? You called a ten a nine.” But that wasn’t quite right. I called it a nine because I was saving my ten. And here it was, the great and terrible ten, slamming me again and again as I lay still and alone in my bed staring at the ceiling, the waves tossing me against the rocks then pulling me back out to sea so they could launch me again into the jagged face of the cliff, leaving me floating face up on the water, undrowned.”

This can be a mindset that applies to small things in our every day lives, but most importantly it is a mindset that we as writers need to understand will affect the shape of our plot and the ability of our characters. When something terrible happens to our characters – and terrible things will happen time and time again – we need them to push through. To move through the story, and to make the plot worth reading, we need our characters to be able to endure and survive and conquer the things that others would balk and flounder at.

This isn’t because our protagonists or any of the characters need to be the strongest or the bravest. This is because plots are the connections between a series of successes and failures, and because regardless whether the character succeeds to fails in the face of a challenge, they will face many things. Though you need to balance out the high-action plot points with some calmer moments for the characters to regroup, every moment is leading up to something great. And before your protagonist accomplishes their greatest success, they will experience their greatest failure. How they emotionally and physically deal with the consequences of their failure is something for another post, but the important point now is that they will have one failure that is definitively worse than others.

Your story needs a moment that is the great and terrible ten. There are countless posts online about why we must do terrible things to our characters to shape their personality and to develop a read-worthy plot. But amid all these struggles, one failure needs to trump the rest. Our characters, after all, are never infallible. Whether or not their motivation to conquer less destructive moments is because they know one will come along that will truly destroy them, despite all their best efforts, something will eventually get the best of them.

So give your characters things to overcome and give them the means to overcome them. Readers love to root for their triumphs and bravery. But make sure that you understand (when you are writing these moments) how they affect your characters. Not every trial can be a small failure, so make sure you understand what will constitute the moment that is the great and terrible ten.


Postscript: I wrote this because it has been too long since I posted and because this is something that I think is important, but I do think there are several points to this post that can be clarified and expanded upon. I hope to do so in subsequent posts, but also feel free to comment any questions you have.

Additionally, my previous post has now been updated to include, in few words, the things I meant to say when I first made the post but was at the time unable to.


Forever & Always [see terms and conditions]

mindfulness. (n) a technique in which one focuses one’s full attention only on the present, experiencing thoughts, feelings, and sensations but not judging them. 

The part of this that stuck with me is that the person explaining the practice of mindfulness said, “Don’t focus on the past or the future – just the present.” And somehow this explanation made me consider all the worries I have about the things that have happened to me in the past and the things I’m worried that could happen to me, and as I tried to focus solely on the present – of myself sitting in a room and taking each breath in and out – I failed….. Instead, I started thinking about the characters in the book I’m currently editing.

What is motivating our characters? This is a basic character development question and an important one, but the question suddenly became more complex and three dimensional as I considered it with all of eternity set before me. Don’t just know what is currently motivating your characters – consider the past, present, and future. 


What have been past goals or motivations that your characters had or experienced? How did their success/failure shape their current mindset? Are they yet to experience failure and brimming with brazen, impossible plans? Are they cautious and realistic?

But it’s more than this – what happened in their past that is motivating their current actions? This can be as simple as the backstory that has created their personality/mannerisms/etc, but it can also clarify why they currently have the goals they do. How are past and current goals changing and juxtaposed against each other? How does your character deal with the times that they conflict – which goal do they choose (or which one becomes more important) and why? Also, consider whether the goals they currently have are motivated by their current situation, or by their worries about possible future ones. We cannot just imagine our characters as experiencing one seen at a time, but as an active part of the larger flow of events and relationships that take place before, during, and after the story stops being told on paper.

These are all things that real people are constantly, subconsciously, dealing with. I am becoming increasingly convinced that it is these things that we think about but don’t always notice that make us complex and interesting and human and real – and that we should endeavor to give our characters these multifaceted qualities.
